An "aha-experience", reviewer from Amberg
"After reading this book, one would like to take the shoes off all horses that are not barefoot! Well understandable and above all with captivating logic, traditional errors regarding horse keeping and the "mistreatment" of the hoof are pointed out. Interesting are also the treatment possibilities of numerous diseases of the locomotor system by the method according to Dr. Straßer. Many "before" and "after" pictures clearly prove this."
"Foals are not born with iron either", reviewer from Biebergmünd.
"This book describes the disadvantages of iron extremely clearly and understandably. With the help of the pictures, one quickly gets a view of a healthy hoof. Dr. Straßer puts an end to the prejudice that is firmly burned into our heads that a horse cannot walk without irons. In our stable almost all horses - with the exception of a few unfortunate individual animals - have been clipped according to Dr. Straßer for 4 years. Some of them had orthopaedic shoes for years and were supposed to retire at the age of 12. The shoes ended up in the rubbish bin and they are running better than ever. We can only hope that more and more horse owners will find this way and that this book will be of great help to them. Because here you will find plausible explanations that the blacksmiths and veterinarians who advocate one often owe you. However, you have to have patience for the change, because what has been done wrong for years will not be corrected from one day to the next. But perseverance has always paid off so far."
"Scientifically well-founded" Reviewer: from Groß Dahlum
is only the "Strasser method! No other expert could explain to me so precisely how a uHf works. For me, the book is a MUST in every library. If you see your horse as a companion and a buddy, you should learn to understand that shoeing does more harm than good. The book is interestingly written, understandable for everyone."
"A MUST for every horse lover, farrier, veterinarian!" Reviewer: Freilassing
"This book is up to date with the latest science and based on many years of experience. I hope that many horse lovers, farriers and vets read books by H. Straßer. Decades of mistreatment (due to ignorance) and suffering of horses could thus come to an end!
With the knowledge of H. Straßer, many diseases can be prevented and horses that are already "condemned to death" (e.g. because of allegedly incurable hoof roll problems, chronic laminitis,...) can be helped (cured!)!!! "